Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Air New Zeland: Safety on board is being inspired by Hollywood

The use of seatbelt and oxygen mask as well as how to get away from the aircraft when it become a threat for life are safety issues that concern all airlines and passengers and despite the seriousness  of the situation as safety demands
Aussie air-carrier always like to involve hollywood movies with safety
demonstrations video likewise men in black safety defencer video was inspired by the respective movie of Columbia pictures film movie. As  american actor  Torn Rip was starring along with former british captain Martin Johnson acting the role of cabin crew that demonstrate safety instructions in a comic manner.

Aviation news

Aviation news
What's hidden behind closed curtains of emirates' first class and why should everyone reape the benefits of a first class flight. What's the cost for a one way trip flying in the lap of luxury? Read more here...


Travel hacks from British Airways' pilots. Ποιες ταξιδιωτικές εφαρμογές εμπιστεύονται πιλότοι της British Airways;


Powder at Heathrow airport by British Airways who has the idea of photo shoot ski experts in a snowball as celebrating its new winter routes to Austria


Hydra the diamond of argosaronic islands