Sunday, March 20, 2016


A new weekly connection offers Ryanair from Athens to Dublin according to its statement. The flights will be operated three times per week.

The celebration took place in St.Patrick name day.
The Irish air-carrier celebrates the expand of its network within Greece by offering low cost fares for its customers.

Furthermore: “The Greek travellers could  choose among 19 routines originated from Athens airport for the summer seasonsaid Chiara Ravara Marketing Director of Ryanair's Greece department.

Earlier  Iona Papadopoulou  Head of Marketing and Communication of Athens International Airport said on her statement that “welcomes Ryanair which wants to contribute into the tourism growth of Athens city as well as for job vacancies”.
Among the officials who participated in the event was the Ambassador of Ireland in Greece Mr  Noel Kilkenny.

Among other things the Irish Embassy of Athens published on twitter that First @Ryanair flight from Dublin touches down in Athens. #StPatricksDay celebrations have legs this year!”

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